
New Punjabi Album Songs

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»  The Plot - Inderpal Moga
»  Day Dreamer - Jagdeep Sangala
»  Munda Rockstar - Simerjit Kumar
»  Notes - Laddi Chahal
»  Starfish - Manan Bhardwaj
»  Dunki - Arijit Singh
»  This Is Flop - Flop Likhari
»  Mast Mein Rehne Ka - Vishal Mishra
»  Mahol - Hustinder
»  To Burn - Jaz Mani
»  Panchatantra - Maninder Buttar
»  Bombaa - Jassa Dhillon
»  First Call - Afsar
»  Dripster - Cheema Y
»  Midnight Paradise - The Prophec
»  G Thing - Guru Randhawa

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